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113 years ago, the search for the ship carrying ship with gold, the ship was discovered on the coast of a South Korean island.


113 years ago, the search for the ship carrying ship with gold

Rumors have been circulating that Russian warships Dmitry Donetsk had drowned in 1905 with precious assets including gold.

The ruins of the ship have found that such claims from many rescue organizations are almost established.

But 113 years later the ship was discovered on the coast of a South Korean island.

The South Korean firm The Shinil Group claimed that they found the ship.

In 1885, the warships started. Donetsk worked in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea before moving to the Pacific Ocean.

Although Donsk was a warship, he was not hurt in the war. Rather, it fell behind its fleet and was attacked by the Japanese.

In the year 1905, the crucifix ship leaked to celebrate Japan's victory in the historic Sushi War between Russia and Japan.

There is a rumor that Donsk was carrying ships filled with gold for paying the wages of the Russian fleet and paying dock fees in the Pacific Ocean.

It is estimated that the value of gold that could be worth billions of dollars today

But there was no evidence that there was gold in the ship.

Rather, researchers and educationists questioned the possibility of bringing gold through a war-ship.

Russia's Eastern Federal University professor Kirill Kölsenkinko says why Russia will send such a huge quantity of gold when it can be sent to the train without risk?

Yet, in the last century, many Japanese and South Korean companies tried to rescue ships with gold.

Meanwhile, in 2001, a Korean firm claims to have discovered the ships, although they were unable to collect the ships due to bankruptcy.

Now the Shinil group says they have found Donski and they are uploading photos and video footage of rescue work to YouTube.

But now the question is raised about this institution.

A South Korean news website says that the company was formed just in June.

Although the Shinil Group says they are the successors of the Shinil Corporation formed in 1957.

Its capital is very low, only 67 thousand pounds equal amount

At the same time, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not even have the permission to resume under the sea.

Data source: BBC world

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