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Why is the price of mobile internet in Bangladesh so much? We should think about it.


Why is the price of mobile internet in Bangladesh so much?

 In the last 10 years, mobile internet users have increased by 7 million, bandwidth prices have declined, VAT has decreased. But the price of mobile internet is still so much?

According to the BTRC website, the number of Internet users in Bangladesh has increased 100x in the last 10 years.

The number of Internet users in the country eight thousand eight thousand Now it has increased to eight million 78 million.

That means 55% of the country's total population use the Internet. In this, more than 7.5 million subscribers are using mobile internet.

To make the Internet available to the people of the country, the government can not enjoy the advantage of reducing the rate of bandwidth as well as reducing VAT, mobile internet users

Aditya Sen, the Dental College lecturer in the capital, has to stay in the internet connection to keep in touch with the students besides personal needs.

But due to the high cost of mobile internet as well as invisible charges, they often have to pay additional cost burdens.

Mrs. Sen said, "I use the internet through broadband lines on the internet through WiFi, my data needs to be used for only six to eight hours of the day, for that time, my 1.5 GB internet data has ended in two days."

"The condition of all operators is the same, this expenditure is actually much higher, whereas the prices of the internet are much lower when I see the call rates in Indian channels."
Data source: BBC Bangla

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