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About the reward of truthfulness


About the reward of truthfulness

Truthfulness and falsehood are the sources of evil. The following truthfulness and abandoning falsehood on one hand, such as spiritual and moral progress, on the other hand, its benefits are also found in social life. The foundations of the welfare were found on this. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Keep in mind, save truthfulness and destroy falsehood.' Allah not only commands the command to be truthful but always emphasizes the cooperation of the truthful people, their relationship with them and their companionship. Allah said, 'O people! Have fear of God and be with the truthful. "
Once the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked the Companions, 'O Messenger of Allah! Who among us can think of himself as inferior? 'The Messenger of Allah said,' This is the way anyone needs to talk about Allah, but he does not say it. Allah will say such a person on the Day of Resurrection, "Who prevented me from speaking such a thing about you?" He will say, "Fear of man." Allah will say, 'You should have feared, most fear me'.

Imam Ghazali, after explaining the truthfulness of his famous book, Yahya Uloom, divided it into six parts. According to him, 
(1) truthfulness in words, 
(2) truthfulness in purpose and purpose,
(3) truthfulness in determination, 
(4) truthfulness about fulfilling the determination,
(5) truthfulness in the act or action,
(6) truthfulness in the faith.

This three truthfulness are included in the above categories - to cherish in the heart, to speak in the face and to implement in action. Regarding this, Allah Ta'ala said, 'Those are Muslims who have established the Divine on Allah and His Messenger and have not made any doubts. And strive hard for the cause of Allah in the cause of their lives, they are the truthful people. "(Surah Al-Hujurat)
Islam has declared it to be a morally superior morality of Muslims in order to ignore all kinds of fear and condemnation for truthfulness. Allah Ta'ala said, 'And they do not fear the condemnation of any condemner.' (Surah: Ma'ida)

Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 'If someone knows the truth, then it should be said and it is not right to prevent the fear of man.'
Hazrat Ibn Mas'ud (RA) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Be truthful, truthfulness seeks the guidance of the righteous, and the right path is taken to heaven. The person who always speaks the truth, it is written in the court of Allah as Siddiq (Bukhari).

According to Hazrat Umar (RA :), the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked, 'What is the sign of the entry in heaven?' 'Talk to the truth. When the servant speaks the truth, he did a good job. The one who does good works, he becomes peaceable, and whoever finds peace, he should have attained Paradise. "(Ahmad)

Hazrat Imam Hassan (RA) narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that 'truthfulness is the heart of peace.' (Tirmidhi) Hazrat Mansur ibn Mutt narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'will be willing to speak the truth, Do not want any danger in it. Remember, salvation is in the truth.

Every Muslim should follow the truth and avoid falsehood. Because 'aschidku yunji walqizbu yehliku', that is, protects the true person and destroys falsehood. Follow these principles to gain Paradise.  Writer: Khaled Saifullah Siddiqui, Source: The Dark Inquilab

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