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Guava is rich in nutrients count, Preventive of various diseases


Guava is rich in nutrients count

Guava, the name of a very favorite fruit. Sumit is the fruit we like most about. Guava is a green berry fruit, but red-colored guava is also known as a red apple.
Its scientific name is Psidium guajava There are about 100 species of Guava. This nutritious native fruit, which is rich in nutrition, is born in our country. Various diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, cold-cough, high blood pressure, weight loss, and skin care are not added. The peculiarity is that it does not have to use excessive quantities of chemical fertilizers, as it is necessary for foreigners such as apple, grapes etc.

*******Nutrients Guava********

1. Reduce and raise the weight

It is a matter of surprise that guava helps in reducing weight and increasing the weight of the body. It depends on how you're taking it. Those who want to lose weight can accept it without any hesitation. Guava is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals. So you do not have to compromise on these food items to reduce weight. Because there is no cholesterol and carbohydrate too small. The amount of sugar in the raw guava is very low compared to other fruits. So keep it on the weight loss diet chart effortlessly.

On the other hand, if you want to increase the weight, you can add a mid-size guava with lunch, it has a great metabolism quality which will help you to properly absorb nutrients and increase weight.

2. Raise sight

There are plenty of vitamins in the pearl, we all know how beneficial for vitamins are in the eye. It protects the eyes from wearing cataracts, maintains good eyesight and health. Those who have already had problems with their eyes, they help prevent eye problems and also increase sight.

3. Brain Health

Another unique quality of PEERA is that it contains B3 and B6 Vitamin. B3 helps to increase blood circulation and is extremely beneficial for B6 brain and nerve Vitamins. So guava will keep your brain function better and you will be more intelligent.

4. Skin care

Guava also works very well for various high-quality cream and toners. It also helps in improving the skin texture. There are many pores in the chestnut and guava leaves which can strengthen skin muscles. It works as a skin toner and helps to keep the skin tangible.

5. Preventive of various diseases

There is no pair of pearl as a preventive disease. It is a good diet for diabetic patients, in which there is a dietary fiber that balances the body's insulin and glucose. It works as resistant to type-2 diabetes.
Prostate cancer, breast cancer, a guinea pig is effective in preventing oral cancer, it stops the growth of cancer cells.

Because it is a good source of copper, it helps to fix thyroid cell metabolism. Apart from colds, cough, diarrhea, and also resistant to cure diseases, Guava is quite beneficial.
So add this seasonal fruit of your diet to your food list today. Source: bhorerkagoj

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