প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরিক্ষার ফাইনাল সাজেশন (পর্বঃ০২) ইংরেজি/Final Suggestion for Primary Teacher Recruitment (Part 2) English
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প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরিক্ষার ফাইনাল সাজেশন (পর্বঃ০২) ইংরেজি
২৬. I saw him once before.
ক) Noun
খ) Pronoun
গ) Verb
ঘ) Adverb
২৭. I was debarred from------- the examination.
ক) sitting
খ) appearing
গ) taking
ঘ) regard
২৮. “Cut and dry” means-
ক) secret
খ) already decided
গ) humorous
ঘ) brief
২৯. Which is the noun of the word “Vary”?
ক) very
খ) veriable
গ) variety
ঘ) variance
৩০. “উলুবনে মুক্তা ছড়িও না”-Translation-
ক) Do not cast pearls before swine
খ) Do not help the bad people
গ) Do not advice the wicked people
ঘ) Do no cast pearls in the forest
৩১. Choose the correct sentence:
ক) Did they wrote books?
খ) Did they write books?
গ) Did they writing books?
ঘ) Did they have written books?
৩২. You will know the truth-
ক) on good time
খ) in good time
গ) at good time
ঘ) in the good time
৩৩. Report the following in “Indirect speech”:
“You will say, “I am ill”.
ক) You will say that you are ill
খ) You will say that I am ill
গ) You will say that you were ill
ঘ) You would say that I was ill
৩৪. Report the following in “Indirect speech”: “He
said to me, “How did you do it”.
ক) He enquired of me if I had done it?
খ) He enquired of me how I had done it
গ) He said to me if I had done it
ঘ) He said to me that I had done it
৩৫. The correct spelling-
ক) fulfill
খ) fullfil
গ) fulfill
ঘ) fullfill
৩৬. The correct spelling-
ক) Privilege
খ) Mortgage
গ) Conjurer
ঘ) Rejoyce
৩৭. My birthday is ------- February.
ক) in
খ) on
গ) at
ঘ) by
৩৮. My friend -----before I came.
ক) would be leaving
খ) had been leaving
গ) had left
ঘ) will leave
৩৯. Identify preposition in the sentence “A fair
little girl sat under a tree”?
ক) fair
খ) little girl
গ) under
ঘ) tree
৪০. There is a bridge -----the river.
ক) on
খ) over
গ) for
ঘ) above
৪১. Do you ------earthquakes in your country?
ক) see
খ) have
গ) feel
ঘ) know
৪২. “Moby Dick” is written by-
ক) Mark Twain
খ) T.S. Eliot
গ) O-Henry
ঘ) Herman Melville
৪৩. George Bernard Shaw is-
ক) a play wright
খ) a film-maker
গ) a historian
ঘ) a modern painter
৪৪. Which is the first English tragedy?
ক) polyolbion
খ) Ferrex and Porrex
গ) Beowufl
ঘ) Miscellany
৪৫. A paragraph must have-
ক) an object
খ) a single idea or topic
গ) topcis
ঘ) more than on para
৪৬. Nobody likes a liar. (Affairmative)
ক) Everybody dislikes lying
খ) Everybody hates a liar
গ) All people dislike a liar
ঘ) Everybody likes the truth
৪৭. What is the plural of “Sheep”?
ক) Sheep
খ) Sheeps
গ) Sheepses
ঘ) Sheepes
৪৮. Verb of the word “New” is-
ক) Renew
খ) Anew
গ) Newly
ঘ) Newness
৪৯. The antonym of “Gigantic” is-
ক) Huge
খ) Magnificent
গ) Solossal
ঘ) Small
৫০. What is the synonym of “Indignant” is-
ক) Angry
খ) Unskilled
গ) Improper
ঘ) Note distinct
উত্তরপত্রঃ২৬। (ঘ);
২৭। (ক);
২৮। (খ);
২৯। (খ);
৩০। (ক);
৩১। (খ);
৩২। (খ);
৩৩। (ক);
৩৪। (খ);
৩৫। (ক);
৩৬। (ঘ);
৩৭। (ক);
৩৮। (গ);
৩৯। (গ);
৪০। (ঘ);
৪১। (গ);
৪২। (ঘ);
৪৩। (ক);
৪৪। (গ);
৪৫। (গ);
৪৬। (খ);
৪৭। (ক);
৪৮। (ক);
৪৯। (ঘ);
৫০। (গ)
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